
What is business?

Business can neither be created nor be destroyed only transform one form to another this can be the definition according to science. For example from iron ore to iron products then melt to make another product from iron.

But technically business means solving the problem of common people. And making their day-to-day life easy with required products, then making profits by selling those products to potential customers.

Why do most businesses fail?

The initial day of doing work makes you busy the whole day in developing products and systems. If someone does with a properly written plan with the right team, then chances are low to fail. Most businesses fail due to they know how to work but don’t know how to work on it.

Most people who start a venture are copycats they worked as an employee in a company or agency for 2-3 years then they started the business by leaving the job. This makes most people unsuccessful because first, they work as employees and then start their businesses. They don’t know the fundamentals. Businesses need more practical groundwork than theory.

What is the best way to start a business?

The best way to start a business is to start now whatever the ideas have execute them. Start the work without thinking whether it will work or not. Most people remain just thinking of ideas.

When they start something, they leave it midway after seeing a flood of problems.  See the result and upgrade it if needed. In the beginning, doing even the smallest tasks quickly is beneficial for the future. Business is for courageous people.